Saturday, September 30, 2017

Give 'Em the Juice

I've heard from a couple people about my mid-summer hiatus.  I was adventure fishing in Ontario.

Safer there for me. Less to go wrong. Fewer witnesses and none I can't trust.

Today was the annual fish survey shocking event on Mill Creek here on our little restoration stream in Dexter.

Morning orders.

A many-legged collaborative organism.

Sometimes playing "what the hell is that?"  If those words don't invoke a memory of Steve Martin, you're way too young.

I'd link to the routine from the original SNL; but, a shitload of lawyers are employed to ensure you never get to see the material again. It isn't a bad general policy towards much of the 1970's.

 Bill: our organizer-in-chief. He does a great job of making things move forward. Thanks, Bill.

The Carlos Fetterolf Brown Trout Lounge for recovering fish. Carlos was a huge force of personality in our AATU who passed a couple years back. We're all the worse for it. He would have liked the trout lounge, though.

Under the bridge. Mind the trolls.

Our tech team: more degrees than Death Valley in the summer.

Action shot: data.

Get. The. Data.

Front and center on shocking pole and net: Kristin, our TU aquatic biologist. She's the boss.

The state of the trout: fine. The trout are doing fine. Maybe natural reproduction. Maybe.

The count this year: on the order of 30 to 40. Given the heat the last two weeks and the low water conditions, that's fine.  Big fish migrate upstream to the springs. We still found 16" fish. Not bad.

Great gig and always enjoyable. Good to see the volunteer crew again.

Hi, Chris.


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