Sunday, April 19, 2015

Brookies - UP

Today's fish porn edition features some pretty nice amateur video of a group fishing the heart of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan in 2013.

These are impressive brookies.

On my list is to make the trip to the Fox and the Two-Hearted, do the bushwacking, and have a Hemingway moment where you earn the fish through blood sacrifice to the bugs and brambles.

Brookies this size look to make that trip possible (that, and the fact I have a pretty respectable Driggs River clone).

Thanks for the video, guys. I enjoyed it.

Amber anglers will as well.


Fly Fishing for Brook Trout in the heart of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan from Into The Wild Fly Fishing on Vimeo.


  1. Crazy brookie fishing. Still my favorite fish, especially the larger models. If I ever come into real money I'm going to the Nipigon & Labrador & Fortress Lake.

    Looks like there is still some prime country up north.

  2. I love brookies. I like small fish on light tackle.

    The other Amber Liquid guys feel differently. They just haven't had one of those days where little 8" brookies hammer everything you through and drift.
